St Martin's CofE Primary & Nursery School

A village school in the heart of the city


Miss Terri Goatcher is our PTA Chair.  She does a sterling job as do our wonderful PTA volunteer families.

If you have any time to spare to help the PTA with events & activities, we would greatly appreciate this.  They organise some fantastic events that not only create a strong sense of our St Martin's community but also raise crucial funds that directly benefit the children. Please speak with Mrs Taylor in the school office if you are interested.

The PTA is an independently registered charity run by families and is open to everyone with children attending the school and nursery.

Over the years the PTA have organised and funded many events along with providing equipment for the school.  They are always looking for new recruits.  If you are interested, ask at the school office for a sign-up sheet.

Share your ideas and skills to raise funds to help keep St Martin’s a vibrant and fun place to learn.